4th Annual Plant Swap

4th Annual Plant Swap on Saturday, May 18, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.  27 George Street (near Centre and Cabot intersection). Bring a Plant/Take a Plant: Ferns creeping out of bounds? Hostas growing like weeds? Lily of the Valley taking over your yard? Now is the time to thin your garden. Don’t put those Iris divisions into the compost bin. Trade them in! Use flower pots, milk cartons, coffee cans, yogurt tubs, even plastic bags to pot up your cast-offs. Labels would be nice. Early drop-offs are fine.

 Exchanges are free, but please consider the donation box marked “Newton METCO Scholarship Fund.”

An annual project started by a Bigelow Middle School student, now at NNHS, to benefit his METCO classmates through ‘recycling at its best!’

Questions? bhoward617@aol.com.