Bigelow PTO will officially endorse the override

Thanks to everyone who participated in the override survey that was sent last week.  Based on your responses over 80% were in favor of the override.  As such the PTO Board has decided to officially endorse the override. 

As mentioned in earlier emails, for more information on the override you can go to the Building Newton’s Future website at

In addition, because the Newton Public Schools has received a number of questions about the state of the elementary school facilities. Dr. Fleishman’s office has posted a video on the District News section that offers a virtual tour of the Angier, Cabot and Zervas Elementary Schools and hope it will provide helpful information to our community members.  It can be found at:

The Bigelow liaison to the school committee on override issues is Marina Kvitnistsky.  If anyone is interested in becoming more involved in supporting the override either by having a sign at your house, hosting an informational coffee, or even if you just want more information please contact her at