Newton’s Tax Override Vote

On March 12, 2013 Newton Voters will be asked to vote on an $11.4 million tax override. 

The package presented consists of 3 separate but interconnected ballot questions that will allow the city to rehabilitate some of the crumbling school buildings, alleviate the pressures of enrollment growth in our schools, and improve public safety in our community.  The package includes:

  1. $1.3 million debt exclusion tax (temporary for capital projects) for the Angier School Project
  2. $1.7 million debt exclusion tax (temporary for capital projects) for the Cabot School Project
  3. $8.4 million operating override that also includes funds for roads and sidewalk repair, four additional police officers to manage traffic and safety concerns, the renovation of the hub of our fire department: Station 3, and department headquarters, as well as rising school enrollment (we have grown by over 1000 students in the past 8 years).

These issues are key for our city and our schools and we encourage Bigelow families to become educated on the issues.  The Mayor has information on his website at

We will keep you informed as we hear of informational sessions or items related to the override.