Oak Hill/Brown Speech Team

The Oak Hill/Brown Speech Team is a proud member of the Massachusetts Middle School Forensics League. Part of this esteemed membership provides the opportunity of two of our students to be appointed to the MMSFL Leadership Council. This year our team’s Leadership Council Representatives are Melissa Klein (Oak Hill) and Sophia Tang (Brown).

The mission of the MMSFL Leadership Council is to raise money for the League’s selected charity. This year’s charity is EMARC, a local resource that promotes services and supports for persons with intellectual disabilities and their families.

Melissa Klein will be selling OAK HILL BRACELETS during lunch time this week to raise money for EMARC. The bracelets are $3 a piece and all proceeds will be donated to charity. If you do not see Melissa but wish to purchase a bracelet, please contact her at happysmiley400@gmail.com.