Project ADAPT at McLean Hospital

Project ADAPT at McLean Hospital is recruiting 13-18 year old depressed adolescents for an investigatory group treatment program, which includes a concurrent but not combined parent group. Throughout the 10-week course of treatment, adolescents learn to utilize cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal approaches to reduce stress and depressive symptoms. The 5-week parent protocol teaches coping and relaxation strategies and provides psychoeducation about depression. Overall, the program seeks to examine the efficacy of the intervention as well as examine clinical, behavioral, and neural factors that may facilitate symptom reduction from pre- to post-treatment. It is important to note that there is no cost for the group therapy program, and further, adolescents may earn up to $115 for their participation. 

The next group will begin on March 14. If you believe your child is interested in participating, or if you have questions pertaining to the program, please contact Casey Gardiner at (617) 855-4240.