Tag Archives: elem

Update from the School Committee

Dear Friends,

This update is for the 4/27/2020 and 4/30/2020 Newton School Committee meetings. We have combined these two meetings into one newsletter as they both examined the significant impacts COVID-19 will have on our proposed 2020-2021 Annual Budget. During the 4/27/2020 meeting, Mayor Fuller and Maureen Lemieux, Newton’s Chief Financial Officer addressed the Committee to describe the “deep changes in revenue assumptions,” to ask the district to reduce its FY21 budget by $1,500,000, and to plan accordingly for even greater reductions in FY22. Superintendent Fleishman and Chief Financial Officer, Liam Hurley, recommended a number of adjustments to immediately ddress this request and begin the process of carrying funds forward.

Superintendent’s Update:

  • In positive news, the Newton South Global Community’s program received a Green Difference Award, recognizing their outstanding energy, environmental and STEAM efforts.
  • Distance Learning Update: Received Phase 3 Guidance from DESE focusing on 4 key areas of distance learning: prioritizing meaningful connections with educators and peers, providing engaging core instruction focused on the content standards most critical to student success, moving to new content material, offering opportunities for enrichment exercise and play and ensuring that programming is accessible. DESE has also prioritized asynchronous learning as opposed to live lessons where many students may not be able to join lessons.
  • Reviewing Feedback on Distance Learning: We’ve already received high school surveys and had very good response rate from staff survey. Next week we’ll begin to analyze the NPS Distance Learning: Family Survey to try to triangulate that data and think about how it compares with the specific guidance we are getting from DESE. The results will be shared during the Monday, May 11th School Committee Meeting.


  • The Last Day of School: The last day of school for students will be Tuesday, June 18, 2019, and the last day for teachers will be Wednesday, June 19, 2019.
  • FY20 Fiscal and Operational Update:
    • Chief Financial Officer, Liam Hurley, presented our third Fiscal and Operations Update of the school year. As of March 31, 2020, the district has spent and encumbered $157.2 million, or 66% of the annual budget of $237,022,312. The current financial forecast includes projections for all areas of spending for the year, with a projected positive balance of $2.8 million.
    • New assumptions made because of school closure for the remainder of the year due to COVID-19:
      • Salaries, benefits, utilities, maintenance, contracted services, tuition, transportation and spending on supplies and equipment are all projected to end the year under budget.
      • Food Service, however, will require a $359,000 subsidy in FY20 due to the district’s contract with food service vendor Whitsons, contingent upon 180 service days, and expanded food service operations during the district-wide shutdown to provide students with nutritious meals at three school sites, 150 Jackson Road, North High, and South High. Coordination is underway with City Officials to open serving sites to all residents regardless of age. Also, negotiations will take place to determine Whitsons management fees for the year.
  • Facilities Update:
    • Chief Financial Officer, Liam Hurley, provided an update on several projects currently underway including:
      • Newton Early Childhood Program (NECP) – project has now been put out to bid and we expect to receive bids in May.
      • Lincoln-Eliot at 150 Jackson Road- the working group is recommending that the space program be revised for an enrollment of 396 students and 18 classrooms, plus an expanded scope including the existing auditorium.
      • Horace Mann Improvements- City Council voted to approve $650,000, reimbursing NPS for completed work and $150,000 for additional work, including the installation of sinks on the second floor and some interior updates. However, the additional $500,000 request covering installation of additional playground equipment, will now be deferred due to significant changes in City finances from the pandemic.
      • Lincoln-Eliot Building Envelope Project- work to start on replacing windows, project completion anticipated by the end of the summer.
      • Oak Hill Classroom Addition- Design Review Committee (DRC) approved the site plan for the three-classroom addition. The September 2021 completion date, may be adjusted as COVID-19 creates an uncertain bidding environment.
      • Phase 3 Solar Panel Updates.
  • Regular Yellow Bus Contract Modification:
    • NPS has agreed to pay Eastern Bus adjusted daily rates for the period that we are closed, honoring a request from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and requiring Eastern to continue to pay their drivers regularly scheduled wages and benefits.
      • In-City Yellow Buses will be paid at 61% percent of contracted daily rate, $350 per bus per day, for 34 buses.
      • METCO Buses will be paid at 63% percent of contracted daily rate, $408 per bus per day, for 8 buses.
  • FY21 School Department Budget
    • District must now reduce its FY21 budget by $1,500,000.
      • Savings in the maintenance account of $500,000 by reducing summer projects such as painting, floor tiling and other cosmetic work.
      • Remaining $1,000,000 will come from carry forward from this year.

Consent Agenda

Next Meeting
On Monday, May 11th at 7:00PM the School Committee will have a VIRTUAL School Committee meeting.

We hope you found this summary useful. You can access all School Committee meeting documents via the NPS website (www.newton.k12.ma.us/schoolcommittee). Additionally, if you are interested in watching an SC meeting from home or a recorded meeting, you can obtain access via www.newtv.org.  On the district Facebook page, you can find videos of past “Virtual Office Hours,” which are held once a month and provide the community with the opportunity to ask questions through the FB Live format.

As always, we are very happy to answer any questions or discuss any concerns you may have. Please feel free to contact us via the email address below.

The Newton School Committee

Newton Community Farm’s online Seedling Sale

Newton Community Farm is opening their online Seedling Sale on April 27th. Order through May 13th, then schedule your curbside pickup date and time in mid-May. There are over 80 varieties of vegetable, fruit, herb, and flower seedlings plus soil for sale.

Thank you for supporting the Farm and happy gardening! https://newtoncommunityfarm.org/news-events/2020-seedling-sale/

Survey of Newton Businesses

Mayor Fuller has requested that the Economic Development Commission (EDC) provide her with ideas on a recovery plan focusing particularly on steps that can be taken to assist Newton businesses in regaining their footing post Covid-19. As part of the EDC’s development of these ideas, they are surveying Newton businesses.

This survey is open to the Newton business community and will be open through May 4th www.surveymonkey.com/Newton_EDC_Business_Survey If you have questions, please contact Devra G. Bailin, Director of Economic Development for the City of Newton at dbailin@newtonma.gov.

One book One Newton

If everyone in Newton buys just one book through the Bookshop.org page, it would greatly reduce the financial burden facing Newtonville Books. If you start your browsing on the  landing page https://bookshop.org/shop/Newtonvillebooks  the site tracks all your purchases and the bookstore receives 30% of all sales. Please help spread the word about this challenge and thank you if you can help  Newtonville Books and Jaime and Mary (parents of a Cabot student).

Girls Connecting, Mentorship Program

Alix de Saint-Aignan, a junior at Newton North, is the Founder of Girls Connecting. The concept is to connect 4th-8th grade mentees with high school mentors (from 10th grade to college) for an hour a week of video chat for support, help with schoolwork, game playing, etc.  Check out the website www.girlsconnecting.com.

She has successfully recruited enough high school-age volunteers to accommodate ~100 mentees. In such an isolating time, Girls Connecting offers mentors and mentees an additional outlet and source of connection to the community.

Please e-mail girlsconnectinginfo@gmail.com or text 617-997-8761 with any questions or to sign up.

Middle School After School Program Enrolling for the fall

The Newton Highlands After-School Program, just for middle school children, is accepting applications for the 2020-21 school year. They provide terrific programming for children in the Newton middle schools at the Newton Highlands location in Brigham House and the Hyde Gym. Transportation is arranged daily. To learn more about the program or attend any of several Zoom Open Houses please contact Rochelle Acker at 617-999-4617 or highlandsafterschool@gmail.com or visit www.highlandsafter-schoolprogram.org.

Two ways to help

Newton South High School’s Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Club feels tremendous gratitude to the countless healthcare workers who put their own lives on the line to help those afflicted with COVID-19. With that in mind, they have decided to mount a campaign to help our local hospitals battle this pandemic.

There are two ways people can help:

First, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) is asking for iPads so hospitalized patients can talk to their loved ones at home. If you can donate any old but functioning iPads, it can help reduce the social isolation for hospitalized patients. A club member can do a contact-free curbside pick-up if you live in the Greater Boston Area. All the patients and the hospital will undoubtedly appreciate it!

Here is the link to donate an iPad: https://forms.gle/uNiNPnzKYFphKM4h8

Second, if you do not have an old iPad but would still like to join in our fight against COVID-19, they’ve also started a GoFundMe page to help the Massachusetts General Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center through their fights against COVID-19. Every dollar donated will go towards saving the life of a doctor, nurse, friend or neighbor. Even though we are all apart, we are all in this together!

Here is the link to donate money to the Go Fund Me: http://gf.me/u/xycbfz

Please consider donating to the iPad and fund campaigns so NSHS HOSA can help these wonderful local hospitals during this devastating COVID-19 crisis.

Bass, Voice, Ukulele lessons

Brittany Karlson is a Boston-area resident of 9+ years and professional musician offering Zoom lessons in Bass (upright and electric), Voice, Ukulele. She is a Berklee College of Music graduate, active performer across Europe and USA, experienced teacher with people of all ages from multiple walks of life. Fun, patient, encouraging, knowledgeable. Located nearby in Jamaica Plain and ready to move to in person lessons once it is safe to do so. Please contact Brittany with any questions at brittany.c.karlson@gmail.com

Registration for youth football and cheer

It has been a crazy time and Mustang Football and Cheer know that football and cheer are probably not the first thing on your mind.  However, they do want to remind you that Registration for the upcoming season is open and the $50 Early Registration discount is available until May 1st.

Remember,  this is the only Tackle Football Youth Program and the only Youth Cheer Program in Newton. Sign up today at newtonmustangs.org!

#NewtonTogether has launched!

Let’s stay connected as a community in the face of COVID-19! On April 20th, Patriots’ Day/Marathon Monday, we invite all Newtonians to make handmade #NewtonTogether signs and display them in your windows. Get creative–make paper signs, use sidewalk chalk, whatever inspires you–and share the incredible joy, strength, and resiliency of Newton. Just because we can’t gather for the Marathon this year, doesn’t mean we can’t connect! Tag your creations in the Facebook event or on social media with #NewtonTogether. For more information, click HERE.

Some Newton villages are also choosing to stand outside at noon on April 20th to clap/bang pots in recognition and gratitude for all the hometown heroes (medical personnel, pharmacists, grocery workers, teachers, etc.) who are working the front lines to keep us all safe. Feel free to recognize your favorite hometown hero in your #NewtonTogether social media posts.

The idea came to the Mayor’s Office from Newton resident Rakashi Chand:

Let us bring our community together in a shared message of perseverance and pride. Let us inspire one another as we are and always have been an unwavering city, that has stood tall and united in the face of adversity and overcome again and again, every challenge, hardship, tragedy and crisis. We will persevere, we will fight in every way we can, we will unite and we will see the dawning of a brave new day. This epidemic will make each day harder than the last, but we will persevere, we will face the challenges that present themselves, because we are strong.

Let’s find a way to inspire our citizens, and remind them that we, like our forefathers and foremothers, will overcome this, and find ways to raise each other up with hope.

In addition, for those of you who are big fans of the Boston Marathon, the Newton, Wellesley and Natick Historical Societies will be showing vintage photos of the Boston Marathon on their websites on April 20th. You are welcome to share your marathon thoughts, memories, and photos of your favorite site on the route using #VirtualMarathon.

Thanks so much for being a part of #NewtonTogether on April 20th! Click here for the flyer with information.