Professional Development Forum for Artists

The New Art Center, in collaboration with the Newton Art Association and Newton Open Studios, is pleased to introduce the Art + Business Circle, a professional development forum for artists. This series of lectures, workshops, and networking events will bring artists together to learn valuable skills from experts and each other. Topics will include marketing & public relations, social media, portfolio preparation, presentation skills & public speaking, and more.

March 4th, April 1st, and May 6th,  6:30 to 8:30 pm
Newton Art Center, $25.00 Admission

Click here for more information and to register.

March 4th: Publicity and Public Relations with Debbie Hagan of Art New England
April 1st: Social Media for Artists with Angela Pitter of LiveWire Collaborative
May 6th: Portfolio Presentation with Mika Hornyak, George Sopel, and Sara Dassel of FlatFile

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