Bike Newton

Mondays at 6:00 pm Bike Newton leads group Bike Rides. Rides start and end at the Newton Main Library on Homer St. Please arrive at 5:45 pm. It’s getting dark earlier now, and Bike Newton wants everyone to learn how to bike safely after the sun goes down! Riders should be equipped with “Night Gear” — a head-light, a tail-light and a light-colored, reflective jacket or vest. If you don’t have that equipment, don’t worry! They will provide it when you arrive at the library and at the end of the ride you can purchase the gear from Bike Newton if you’d like. Total cost will be $30.00. These are family-friendly “No Rider Left Behind” rides — anyone may ride as long as their bikes are in good working order, and they are confident they can handle a leisurely 5 to 7 mile ride. Children must be accompanied by an adult, all riders must wear helmets, and adhere to safety rules of the road. See for last-minute schedule changes and further information. Questions? Email: