Volunteer with Newton’s Child Assault Prevention team

Help keep Newton children SAFE, STRONG & FREE by volunteering with the Child Assault Prevention (CAP) program. Training for Volunteer Prevention Specialists for the 2013-2014 school year begins the week of October 20 — mark your calendar now.

The CAP Program relies on trained volunteers to teach elementary students simple strategies to reduce their vulnerability to verbal, physical and sexual assault. Volunteers work in teams, led by an experienced team captain. Training is provided. This year’s training begins the week of October 20. Volunteer commitment is 4-6 hours per month, for one school year. 16 Continuing Education Credits available for MSW.

For more information and to set up a screening interview please contact Gail Sommer, Director, by phone (617.969.5906 x 143) or by email. Visit the CAP website for more information.