
CodeCampKidz cordially invites you to learn the skill of Web Development in a fun, achievable and self-paced way! Join the group weekly at the Microsoft Store and code under the guidance of an expert! The 1st two sessions are FREE! You’ll go on a tour through various programming languages and toolkits, connecting the dots and learning how it all fits together. Each week you attend you will work through a new project learning new code and techniques! You will then apply what you have learned to your own personal project(s) as you move through the levels. You will write real HTML, CSS & Javascript code progressing from the basics to more advanced topics, building skill and self-confidence along the way.  No experience is required. Open a gateway to your future and register today! This month:

HTML Basics (est. 15 min for lesson series) Learn the basic tags needed to create a valid page. Your Project: Create your first page and show it to the world. Please submit a code review before moving on. (est. 15 minutes)

CSS Basics (est. 15 min for lesson series) Learn how to create and apply CSS styles to achieve effects. Your Project: Create your first CSS style and apply it. Please submit a code review before moving on. (est. 15 minutes)

CSS Box Model (est. 15 min for lesson series) Learn about borders, margin & padding and how they affect the spacing of elements. Your Project: Use your browser’s “developer tools” to manipulate margin, padding and other elements on a page. A code review is not required for this project. (est. 15+ minutes)

London Bridge at Night (est. 20 min for lesson series) Learn about graphic images, links, background colors, font colors & page centering. Your Project: Build your first page. You will go up to Google and source images to reference on your page. Please submit a code review before moving on. (est. 30+ minutes)

Working with Text & Backgrounds (est. 30 min for lesson series) Learn various CSS properties for manipulating text on the page, creating page backgrounds and using professional icons with Font Awesome. Your Project: Replicate an example page but customize it to your liking by changing the Font Awesome icons, background graphic and text. Please submit a code review before moving on. (est. 30+ minutes)

Working with Tables Lists & iFrames (est. 30 min for lesson series) Learn how to construct various types of HTML table structures, ordered & un-ordered lists, and iFrames using YouTube as an example. Your Project: This is a MAJOR project and your opportunity to use everything you have learned so far to create your own themed page. When you are finished the goal is to “show it to the world” and get your page indexed on Google. Please submit a code review before moving on. (est. 60+ minutes, this dev challenge usually requires a full class session)