Winter Break Library Programs for teens

Check out these Library programs over Winter Break! There is a lot happening this vacation.

Dream Jars, December 27th, 7:00 pm, Druker Auditorium: Join this Green Art Workshop and get creative with a conscience. Participants will tap into their creativity as they Reduce-Reuse-Recycle. Transform jam jars, chocolate boxes, and tea tins into your own three-dimensional memory collage. Then collect your illustrations, ticket stubs, and dream recordings in your personal time capsule for the New Year. For grades 5-7. Register online.

Trivia Nite, December 28th, 6:30 pm, Druker Auditorium: Are you a genius at Jeopardy!? A consumer of crossword puzzles? Come join the fun and test your mastery of useful (and useless) information! Players will be challenged with 4 rounds of questions from a variety of categories. Stretch your brain and win great prizes! Come alone or with friends. Refreshments will be provided. Teens and adults welcome. Register online.

3D Printing, December 29th, 1:00 pm, second floor Computer Center: Learn how 3D printing works by designing your own three-dimensional creation! For grades 5-7. Register online.

Techcycled Jewelry, December 29th, 3:00 pm, second floor Computer Center: Transform old computer parts into jewelry! You’ll be giving new life to computers parts. Stop by to make something unique. For grades 7 and up. Register online.

Mix & Match Marionettes, December 29th, 7:00 pm, Druker Auditorium: Join this Green Art Workshop where you’ll get creative with a conscience. Participants will tap into their creativity as they Reduce-Reuse-Recycle. In this workshop you’ll forage for found images from calendars, greeting cards, and magazines to find the elements for your assemblage. Play with “cut-up” and collage techniques to create your own one-of-a-kind hybrid dancers. For grades 7-12. Register online.