Newton CPA news: affordable housing opportunity, upcoming deadlines

Application Due Dates
Applications for two affordable rental units on Taft Avenue in Newton are due by September 12th. Application information is now available from this webpage:

This CAN-DO project has one 2-bedroom unit and one 3-bedroom unit. Both units have a preference for homeless families.

Other Upcoming Deadlines
The Community Preservation Committee’s next meeting is September 8th. Agenda requests and written materials for this pre-meeting packet are due by August 24th (somewhat earlier than usual, because of the Labor Day holiday).

Agenda requests and written materials for the following CPC meeting, on October 6th, are due by September 19th.

REMINDER for pre- and full proposal deadlines: Full proposals that the CPC has formally agreed to consider in the 2016 funding round, based on their previous pre-proposal discussions, are due by 30 September 2016.

Deadlines for the 2017 funding round will be in February and March 2017 (for the in-person orientation meeting and pre-proposal submission) and in October 2017 (for invited full proposals). Early submission of pre-proposals is strongly encouraged! The CPC will discuss your pre-proposal at any regular meeting. For all upcoming meeting deadlines, use the Calendar link in the top-left navigation section of any page on the program website,

Contact information
For assistance, please contact Alice Ingerson, Program Manager, at or 617-796-1144.