Want to contribute to a youth study?

Harvard team seeking youths in grades 6 – 8 and their parent/caregiver to participate in Project CARY (Cognitions, Affect, and Regulation in Youths).

The researchers are looking at past life experiences, the development of youths’ emotions and self-regulation, and the role these things play in how youths cope with and respond to typical types of stress experienced in daily life.

Your participation in this project may help them to better understand how youths’ emotional and cognitive development and their life experiences influence one other and, in turn, help understand what factors promote youths’ positive emotional health and cognitive development.

What does your participation involve? You and your child will be asked to visit the laboratory at Harvard University for a session that will last up to two hours. You and your child will fill out some forms, and your child will participate in a number of activities, some of which are on the computer. You will be compensated $50 and your child will be compensated $30. Travel reimbursement may be available.

For more information, contact:
Rachel Vaughn-Coaxum, M.A. at Harvard University
33 Kirkland Street, Cambridge
Phone: 857-600-2503 or email: projectCARY.harvard@gmail.com