Depression Treatment Study

A McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School study on the treatment of adolescent depression is currently enrolling female adolescents between 13-18 years old who may be struggling with depression. As part of the study, female adolescents receive 12 weeks of
individual Cognitive Behavior Therapy at no cost. Adolescents would be matched up with a therapist who works on the study at McLean Hospital in Belmont.

They will also assess neural and behavioral changes that go along with treatment during 4 study sessions. Two study sessions take place before treatment, one during the course of treatment, and one after completion. These sessions involve a preliminary diagnostic interview, questions about feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, and EEG assessments. There are also 3 follow-up phone calls, which adolescents can complete from home.

If a family is interested in participating or learning more about the study, they can contact Erin Bondy at 617-855-4240 or