Women and girls in STEM

Are you or your child interested in pursuing a job in STEM? Do you want to hear from strong women in the STEM community? Are you looking for a way to spend your Saturday night next week? You should check out Ligress Night!

Ligress Night will feature two speakers working with Silverside Detectors, a Somerville startup aimed at building nuclear detection devices. Sarah Haig is a co-founder and has worked around the world helping people start small businesses in places like Afghanistan and China. Ali Forsyth is the company’s VP of Engineering and has also worked to develop power systems for underwater drones.

Ligress Night will be held at L’Aroma Cafe, 15 Spencer Street, West Newton from 7:00 – 9:00 pm on September 26th. Ligress Night is hosted by the LigerBots, FIRST Robotics Team 2877 from Newton. For more information about Ligress Night or the LigerBots in general, email  info@ligerbots.com!