Families for Depression Awareness is presenting a free webinar

Families for Depression Awareness is presenting a free Teen Self-Injury: Working Toward Healthy Coping Skills webinar. In this webinar, Jason Washburn, PhD, ABPP, will discuss the connection between self-injury and depression, how caring adults can identify signs of self-injury, and respond in an effective manner.

This program is designed for parents, guardians, caregivers, youth workers, and any adults interested in teen mental health. Register to join for a live webinar discussion or watch on demand after it airs.

If you are new to the topic of teen depression or in need of a refresher, please watch  Understanding Teen Depression as a foundation to this upcoming webinar.

After the webinar, complete the online evaluation and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a free copy of the book Self-Injury: Simple Answers to Complex Questions. Can’t attend the live webinar? Register today to submit your questions and watch the recorded webinar after it airs.

March 24th, 7:00 – 8:15 pm

Click here to see the Teen Depression Webinar Flyer 
Click here to see the Teen Depression Fact Sheet in English or Spanish