Newton South Stage Presents “Bat Boy: The Musical”

Get in the mood for Halloween by coming to see South Stage’s Bat Boy: The Musical!

Bat Boy: The Musical was inspired by a series of tabloid headlines published in 1992 by The Weekly World News claiming that a terrifying creature, half-man and half-bat, had been discovered in a cave, escaped, and was being pursued by government officials. With a beat-driven rock score that pays homage to the rock musicals of the late ’60s and early ’70s, Bat Boy provides a compelling theatrical metaphor for the dangers of prejudice, intolerance, and provincialism.

Note: Bat Boy contains images of blood and violence and references to rape and incest. PG-13. Tickets are on sale now  Click here to purchase tickets in advance.

October 13th, 14th, and 15th, 7:30 pm
Seasholes Auditorium, 140 Brandeis Road