Suicide Prevention Training

Our community has been affected by suicide. Newton Cares: Coalition for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health is working diligently to train as many people as possible in the suicide prevention technique called QPR. The more people who know how to act the more lives may be saved. Please consider being trained.

Question, Persuade, Refer Suicide Prevention Training
Learn how to respond to someone in distress. QPR is a simple, educational program that teachers ordinary citizens how to recognize a mental health emergency and how to get a person at risk the help they need.

Participants will learn how to:
· Recognize the warning signs of suicide
· Offer hope
· Get help & Refer

Next community training:
June 23rd, 5:30-8:00 pm
Hope and Comfort
26 Ossipee Road, Newton Upper Falls
Light dinner included.
Click here to register. Registration is required, seating is limited.

For the first time, Newton Cares is partnering with Hope and Comfort for a volunteer opportunity and QPR Training. Hope and Comfort is an organization based in Newton Upper Falls. Their mission is to provide low-income and homeless children and adults with the essential personal care products necessary to maintain and improve health and self-esteem.

For this event, participants are encouraged to donate toothpaste and/or deodorant and help assemble care packages, beginning at 5:30 pm. Hope and Comfort also welcomes donations of soap, shampoo, and toothbrushes. QPR Training will take place from 6:00 – 8:00 pm.