NNHS sophomore collecting books and toys for African AIDS orphans

In early July, Newton North sophomore Gabe Kotsonis will be working with young children (many are AIDS orphans) at a school in Zambia. He’s collecting simple, easy-to-read hard cover books that teach colors, counting, the ABCs, etc. Books featuring animals and people of color are a plus. A few author suggestions: Margaret Wise Brown, Eric Carle, Jan Brett, P.D. Eastman and Bill Martin, but there are countless other authors who would fit the bill.

Gabe is also collecting manipulatives (toys) in good condition to bring to the children, including blocks, Legos, Lincoln Logs, matchbox cars and K’nex. Please contact Vicki,  vicki@ritterbandcommunications.com if you’d like to donate items and they’ll pick up donations at your home.