Newton Community Farm welcomes Tom Ashbrook

Please come to the Barn at Newton Community Farm on June 4th for an intimate evening of stories and conversation with Tom Ashbrook, Newton resident, farm enthusiast, and award-winning host of National Public Radio’s On Point.

Tom will share stories of growing up on his family’s farm in Illinois and discuss how that experience influences him today and informs his perspective on the place of local farms in our current agricultural system. The evening will include a conversation between Tom and Newton Community Farm’s own farmer/scholar, Greg Maslowe, a question-and-answer period, and farm-fresh hors d’oevres. A tour of the Farm will precede the conversation in the Barn, at 6:30 pm.

Tickets to this event are available for $75/$70 for Friends of the Farm, and are 75% tax deductible, and you may register here.

Proceeds will benefit the Farm’s educational program, which provide hands-on experience with farming, gardening and cooking, and teaches sustainable practices for students in pre-school through Grade 12. Please help educate the next generation of stewards of our land and food!

June 4th, 7:00 pm
Newton Community Farm