College Programs @ the Library

Demystifying College Admissions, May 24th, 7:00 pm, Druker Auditorium. Are you thinking about college for your teen and feeling anxiety? Join Terry Greene Clark, local author of the book, Demystifying College Admissions: A Parent-To-Parent Guide to the Reality of the College Process to discuss the college application, the redesigned SAT, college athletics, financial aid and more. Terry will provide insight in the reality of the college process from her own experience of having sent three of her four children off to college in the last five years. Questions are welcome and encouraged. For parents (teens welcome). Register online.

Conquering the College Admissions Essay in 10 Steps, June 1st, 7:00 pm, Druker Auditorium: Alan Gelb is the author of the bestselling, Conquering the College Admissions Essay in 10 Steps. Alan coaches students all over the world on their personal statements. He will be conducting a workshop on how to approach this daunting assignment, answering your questions and getting you started on the most important essay you’ve ever written. For teens and parents. Register online.

College Funding Seminar,  June 14th, 6:30 pm, Druker Auditorium: This New York Life seminar helps parents and grand-parents prepare for the high cost of a college education. Those who attend will leave with a greater appreciation for the difference a college education can make in a child’s future, as well as a host of information about grants, scholarships, students loans, 529 plans, and even some lesser-known ways to save for this life changing event. This program is meant for parents of younger children. Register online.