Special Needs Trusts and Estate Planning

The May meeting of the Newton Parent Advisory Council for Special Education (NewtonPAC) will feature Annette Hines, Esq., who will speak on Special Needs Trusts and Estate Planning.

Annette M. Hines has been practicing in the areas of Special Needs, Elder Law and Estate Planning for over fifteen years. She received her JD from Howard University School of Law, her MBA from Suffolk University and her BA from the University of Vermont. Her clients include individuals and families of children with special needs, the elderly and others in the community. Ms. Hines is the mother of two daughters, one of whom passed away from Mitochondrial disease in November 2013. Her personal experience as the mother of a child with special needs fuels her passion for quality special needs planning and drives her special understanding and dedication to the practice.

All NewtonPAC meetings are free and open to everyone. If you plan to attend, please email newtonpacmeetingrsvp@gmail.com so they know how many people to expect. Any questions, please contact Eileen Sandberg at eileen.sandberg.newtonpac@gmail.com

May 12th,  7:30 pm. with refreshments and networking at 7:15 pm
Education Center, Room 210
100 Walnut Street, Newton