Newton Serves Day opportunity for community service:

Enlisting the aid of community members and families to help mulch the beds in Waban Square for Newton Serves Day – on May 1st, from 12:00 – 2:30 pm. You’ll meet on Wyman St near the post office, or in front of Starbucks. The city provides the mulch and volunteers help to spread it.

It’s very simple and family-friendly (including young children and people with disabilities). All tools, buckets, etc. provided. Bring water, and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. Snacks and T shirts provided – and free ice cream at City Hall afterwards!

If you are interested, please sign up at the NewtonServes website and call or email Gail Wintersteiner, the WIS gardener and coordinator of this project, at 617-965-1038, for more information.