Community Forum on High School Start Time: Especially for Middle and Elementary Parents

Save the Date! Join the Newton South School Council to explore the research on starting high school later and the impact it has on our teenagers. We hope to continue the community conversation around the the impact of inadequate sleep on our teens and welcome middle and elementary parents to the discussion.

The featured speaker will be Dr. Christopher Landrigan, Director of the Sleep and Patient Safety Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Research Director of Inpatient Pediatrics at Boston Children’s Hospital. Dr. Landrigan is also a Brown and South parent; he was the featured speaker at January’s High School Start Time Forum at Newton North. Catch up on the research and join the conversation—we look forward to seeing you there.

More information and resources on adolescent sleep and later start time here

Community Forum
April 6th, 7:00-8:30 pm
Brown Middle School Auditorium