Effective College Consulting services tailored to your family’s needs

FUTURE CHOICE College Consulting (futurechoicecollegeconsulting.com) offers a focused, balanced approach to the college selection and application process through hands-on support and guidance. Whether your child is staring down applications at the 11th hour as a senior, or just beginning the higher education exploration process as a sophomore or junior, Cory Alperstein offers a student-driven strategy sensitive to individual personalities and aspirations, based on good information and utilizing an agreed upon plan of action.

Advising includes consideration of academic courses, extra-curricular activities and summer plans as part of an applicant’s story. It also includes focused work on the writing of college essays that will tell that story to admissions officers. Please contact Cory Alperstein for a free 45 minute initial consult today at: futurechoicecollegeconsulting@gmail.com.