Newton Girls Basketball Association (NGBA)

Registration is underway for the upcoming Newton Girls Basketball season. Join the more than 500 players from second graders through eighth graders who play NGBA basketball. This is a recreational basketball league for Newton girls and girls attending Newton schools with fun for beginners and experienced players alike! Games are played on Saturdays, starting early December and continuing into mid-March.

Scholarships are available based on need; please see the website for details. To register, obtain additional details and to find out more about the league, please visit $15.00 Late Fee after November 21st.

Top 10 Reasons to Play NGBA Basketball this Winter
10. No goalkeepers to block the shots
9. Great exercise
8. Participate in another team sport
7. Learn basketball skills
6. Make new friends!!!
5. Off-season cross training for soccer
4. Entertainment for parents on Saturdays
3. Girls get new sneakers
2. The March Madness tournament rivals the NCAA?s
1. It really is a lot of fun!!!!