Upcoming Programs at the Newton Free Library

Chess Club, Mondays, October 5th and 26th, 7:15 – 8:00 pm, second floor Teen Area: Introducing a new chess club for teens! Have fun playing chess the first and fourth Monday of the month with general instruction and open play. All levels welcome. Chess sets, puzzles and strategy will all be provided. For ages 10-13. Space is limited.

Helping Your Child Navigate Life after High School, Tuesday, October 6th, 7:00 pm, Druker Auditorium: Help your child navigate the challenging landscape of life after high school. Nanci Ginty Butler, LICSW, Assistant Director, School and Community Services at Riverside Community Care and Heather Byrns, LMHC, Clinical Supervisor, MSPP INTERFACE Referral Service at Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology (MSPP) will facilitate. Intended for parents. Sponsored by Newton Youth Services.

Linux for Teens, Wednesdays, October 14th, 21st, 28th and November 4th and 18th, 7:00 pm, second floor Computer Center: This series, for grades 6-12, is an introduction to GNU/Linux operating system. It will cover: the UNIX shell, creating a document, networking, email and encryption, operating system components (memory management, the file system, devices, the kernel), etc. In addition, the class will address the free software philosophy, privacy and data security concerns, and ways to protect personal data and other sensitive information. Assignments will include programming which takes advantages of the operating system features. Register online.

School Assignments: How Parents Can Help, Thursday, October 22nd, 7:00 pm, Druker Auditorium: Professional writers have editors who read their words before their work is shared. Student writers should have the same opportunity before submitting their work to teachers. Jane Hirschhorn will facilitate a program designed to help parents learn how to help their children with writing assignments in a way that is productive, respects the child’s ownership of his or her work and avoids some common pitfalls. Ms. Hirschhorn, of JBH Tutoring, a professional writing tutor with more than two decades of experience working with Boston-area students in both classroom and one-on-one settings, tutored writing at the Mount Ida College Writing Center where she was also a supervisor. She holds a Master of Arts in Teaching from Tufts University. This program is for parents.