Exciting new Middle School program

Bridges: Our Smarts Uniting Students and Local Seniors

This award-winning, intergenerational program is designed to promote mutual respect,
understanding and friendship between middle school students and older adults. Together,
we will complete simple, fun projects that promote shared perspectives and interesting
discussions. Prof. Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence or “smarts” theory is central to the program. This theory proposes that people have eight intelligences or “smarts” in varying amounts: body, logic, music, nature, people, picture, self and word. Each week we will explore these “smarts” through activities related to nature and the Farm.

This program will run for 6 weeks at Newton Community Farm, beginning March 5th.
Fee for the General Public: $126.00, for Friend of the Farm: $113.00

For information and to register, please visit www.newtoncommunityfarm.org/education  or contact Alison Scorer at education@newtoncommunityfarm.org.