Upcoming Teen Programs

Books and Brownies, December 15th, 7:00 pm, 2nd floor Teen Area:
The group will discuss Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kirstin Cronn-Mills, which received the 2014 Stonewall Award from the American Library Association. It’s an award given to books of “exceptional merit relating to the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender experience.” BMUC tells the story of Gabe, a high school senior with a serious love of music, who is learning to leave Liz behind – the person everyone has known him as until now. Please join for a great discussion and of course, brownies!

Create Your Own Light-Up Card, December 16th, 3:30 pm, 2nd floor Teen Area:
Learn some elementary electronics, and how to create fun and flexible circuits on paper. You’ll be able to make holiday cards or pictures that light up.

New NNHS Book Club! December 18th,  2:30 pm (during X Block):
This new Newton North book club will be meeting every other month for a book discussion in the NNHS Library. Come to the first discussion (and brownies!) to talk about Anatomy of a Misfit by Andrea Portes.  For any questions, email Ms. Dalbec at: erin_dalbec@newton.k12.ma.us or Liz at: teens@newtonfreelibrary.net.

Family Game Night, December 30th, 7:00 pm, Druker Auditorium:
Staying around town for the holiday season? Keep warm at the library where we will be hanging out, eating pizza and playing board games. Open to all ages.