3D Animation Academy

Newton Animation & Video’s 3D Animation Academy for Kids next session starts on November 17th. Classes for grades 4 to 6 will be held on Mondays from 3:30 – 5:15 pm and for grade 6 and higher from 6:30 – 8:15 pm. These beginner classes will be pre-requisites for certain intermediate and advanced level courses set to begin in January 2015. Parents are encouraged to read reviews from current students and their parents on the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/NewtonAnimations and watch this promotional video

Newton Animations & Video also runs the Children’s News Network   www.childrensnewsnetwork.com which provides 100% commercial free news and current events video for kids…with video content from the Associated Press.

Any parents interested in enrolling their children in our class can visit our website at www.newtonanimations.com or call us at 781-708-1255.