Community Meeting about proposed medical marijuana dispensary

Garden Remedies, Inc. has been granted a provisional license by the State of Massachusetts to open a medical marijuana dispensary at 697 Washington Street in Newtonville. They have asked the Ward 2 Aldermen to call a meeting so they can share their plans for the dispensary with the community. Dr. Karen Munkacy, the Chief Executive Officer of Garden Remedies, and members of her team will make a brief presentation and then will be available to answer questions. We will also explain the special permit process needed to approve this project.

If you cannot make it to this meeting but would like to be kept apprised of future meetings or any updates relating to this project, and/or would like to share feedback related to this project, please send an email to your Ward Alderman Emily Norton at and she will ensure you are added to the distribution list for notification.

Susan Albright, Ward 2 At-Large
Marcia Johnson, Ward 2 At-Large
Emily Norton, Ward 2 Ward

Date: Thurs, May 29th, 2014
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Room 202, City Hall