Upcoming Panel Discussion

Social and Emotional Well Being Panel Discussion: Day’s PTO presents a panel of experts on teen mental health. Speakers will focus on how to identify mental health problems and develop coping skills. The discussion will cover the increasing number of issues today’s teens face, including pressure for social acceptance, body image, substance use, and depression. The panel will address how parents, educators, and the community can support and promote the social and emotional well-being of our teens. Panelists include Richard Saitz, M.D., Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health; Janice Furlong, Ph.D., Clinical Associate Professor at Boston University School of Social Work; Maxine Alcheck, Ph.D., Adolescent Psychologist; Meghan Hudson, School Psychologist at F.A. Day Middle School; and Moderator Hyeouk Chris Hahm, Ph.D., Associate Professor School of Social Work, Boston University.

Monday, May 12th at 7:00 pm in Day’s Auditorium