Teen Events – Newton Free Library

Mother-Daughter Book Club with Holly Thompson, Author, January 28th, 7:00 pm. Meet in the second floor Teen Area for a lively discussion of The Language Inside by Holly Thompson. The author will be visiting to discuss her book with the group! All are welcome (even if you’ve never been to the book club!).

Teen Crafternoons, Tuesday, January 21st and February 4th, 3:30 pm
Get creative  in the second floor Teen Area of the Newton Free Library where teen can work on crafts and eat snacks. On January 21st, it will be working on some basics of bookbinding and on February 4th, hanging out working on Valentine’s day hearts and crafts.

Get Hooked: Knitting and Crochet Club, Thursday, February 6th, 7:00 pm
Meet up in the second floor Teen Area of the Newton Free Library for the ongoing Knitting and Crochet Club. The club meets the first Thursday of the month. They provide crochet hooks, knitting needles, yarn and the know-how to teach the basics of crocheting. You are welcome to bring your own project, share ideas and conversation. Refreshments will be served. Open to ages 10 and up.

Intro to the College Process, Monday, February 10, 7:00 pm
Please join a college workshop on Monday, February 10th, 7:00 pm in Druker Auditorium at the Newton Free Library. The program is aimed at students (especially Juniors) and parents. Students; is there such a thing as a “perfect fit”? How do you start your exploration and what really matters as you launch the college search and application process? Parents; what role should you play on this journey? How can you provide support, knowing how important it is for your children to take charge and make choices for themselves? Cory Alperstein, founder and principal of Future Choice College Consulting, will explore these questions and discuss some specific strategies to help your family survive the admissions process with positive outcomes for everyone involved! Ms. Alperstein will also cover stress reduction including how making choices early about academic, extra-curricular and social life is key to managing stress when the application process really begins. Bring your sense of humor!

Any questions please call Liz, the Teen Librarian, at 617-796-138 or email teens@newtonfreelibrary.net