A conversation about teens, parents and media use for parents of middle schoolers

A conversation about teens, parents and media use featuring: Sonia Livingstone, London School of Economics and  David Luis Ortega, Private Practice, Cambridge, MA,  moderated by Nancy Baym, Microsoft Research New England.

This event will bring experts and the community together to discuss many of the concerns parents and teens have about media use. Discussions will bring research evidence and practical advice to bear on understanding questions like: What realistic risks may teens face with their media use? How can teens benefit most from digital media? How can parents create and enforce appropriate boundaries for their teens’ media use to best balance risks and opportunities?

The session will conclude with a half hour for parents to mix and mingle and compare strategies and experiences. Parents from all of the Newton middle schools are welcome.

Wednesday. December 11th, 7:00 pm
Auditorium, F.A. Day Middle School