Tour de Newton

Sign up for the “Tour de Newton” – The first annual Tour de Newton is scheduled for October 6th and it promises to be a great event for everyone – kids, adults, experienced bicyclists and casual riders. The Tour will be a 20 mile bicycle ride that will start simultaneously in all 13 villages at 9:30 am.

Here in Oak Hill we’ll be starting at Newton South. You’ll be riding the whole loop with a group of your Oak Hill neighbors and be guided by a leader and a sweeper who know the route. The route’s been carefully chosen to be a fun, safe and pleasant ride.

As the group arrives at each village, you’ll be met by greeters who’ll give you a specially designed village badge and tell you a bit about the highlights of their village. Complete the whole route and you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a new bike from International Bicycle on Needham St. It should be a great event, so sign up here.

Oak Hill Greeters Needed – If you don’t want to ride 20 miles on a bike, how about volunteering to be one of the Oak Hill greeters. Your job will be to meet each of the incoming groups of riders, hand out the Oak Hill badges and water, tell them a bit about Oak Hill, and generally be an ambassador for the village. Drop us an email at if you’d consider taking on that fun job for a few hours on Oct 6.