Just for Teens at Newton Free Library

Teen Summer Reading Poster Making, Wednesdays, May 15 and 22, 3:30 pm Help prepare for this year’s teen Summer Reading Program, “Beneath the Surface.” We’ll be making a huge poster to hang in the teen area to publicize this summer’s festivities. Be ready to get messy as we paint, collage and more! Join us on either or both Wednesdays, May 15 and May 22 at the Newton Free Library in Druker Auditorium at 3:30 pm. Grades 6-12.

Teen Author Panel with Erin Dionne, Jo Knowles, and Gina Rosati, Wednesday, May 15, 7:00 pm
Join us for a special program with Erin Dionne author of Notes from an Accidental Band Geek, Jo Knowles, author of See You at Harry’s, and Gina Rosati, author of Auracle. Once each author has read a short excerpt from their book, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions. Wondering what the publishing process is like, how to find an agent or how long it takes to write a book? Here’s your chance to learn about the publishing and writing process. The program will take place at the Newton Free Library on Wednesday, May 15 at 7:00 pm in Druker Auditorium. A book signing will follow with books provided by New England Mobile Book Fair. Refreshments will be served.

Roxbury Repertory Theatre reads The Diary of Anne Frank, Saturday, May 18, 2:00 pm
Join us for a 90-minute staged reading adapted from Wendy Kessleman’s Tony Award nominated Broadway production of The Diary of Anne Frank. The reading will take place at the Newton Free Library on Saturday, May 18 at 2:00 pm in Druker Auditorium and will be given by members of the Roxbury Repertory Theatre under the direction of Marshall Hughes. Anne Frank’s candid writings have had an impact on communities worldwide and remind us of the cruelty, devastation and inhumanity of genocide. A question and answer period with the actors.

Questions about these or other offerings for teens at the library? Email the Teen Librarian or call the Newton Free Library at 617-796-1380. All programs are free and open to the public. The Newton Free Library is handicap accessible.