Health & Safety events at Newton Boys & Girls Club

The Newton Boys & Girls Club offers workshops and programs as part of its Annul Health and Safety Week celebration. The Club will have visits from the Newton Police Department, Newton Fire Department, Middlesex Sheriff’s Department, Suicide Prevention, and more! We hope that you will encourage your child or teen to attend. All activities are free and no reservation required.

Monday, May 13 @ 3:00PM
MEDA located in Newton MEDA specializes in eating disorders and promoting healthy eating & body image. They’ll be at the club to talk about their experience with eating disorders such as Bulimia, Anorexia and Binge Eating. Middle School & up

Tuesday, May 14 @ 3:00PM
Bill Phillips from New Beginnings will be at the Club once again, to make another impact on our members. He shares his life story of addiction and recovery, in an honest and hands on way. Middle School & up

Wednesday, May 15 @ 3:30PM AFSP – Suicide Prevention
Melanie Varandy will talk to our teens about depression. They will watch a video, and have a talk on depression, bullying, etc. What are the signs of depression, what to look for, who to call, and where to go.  Middle School & up